Atlas Therapy

Practice Dr. Katmer

Statutory insured patients - private patients and self-payers

Atlas Therapy

Chiropractic / Manual Medicine

Manual medicine is the basis of every thorough orthopedic examination and is used to diagnose and treat reversible functional disorders in the entire musculoskeletal system. The trained sense of touch can detect blockages, incorrect tension in the muscles and the various tissue layers, temperature differences and other vegetative disorders of the body that would otherwise be undetectable using imaging techniques (X-rays, MRI). Manual diagnostics are therefore indispensable in analyzing the cause of pain.
The subsequent treatment of the identified dysfunctions is carried out using a wide range of manual medical / chiropractic techniques.

Atlas therapy

The atlas is the uppermost cervical vertebra. Around it are nerve switching points (neck receptor fields) that have contact with 95% of the nerve pathways between the brain and the body. This is where atlas therapy works and improves the flow of information in the nervous system.
A very short impulse is given to the neck receptor field at the level of the transverse process of the atlas using the middle finger. This causes the nervous control circuit to be briefly interrupted without being noticed and then "re-sorted" and rebuilt.
Treatment goals
Normalization of muscle tone
Improving and accelerating development in infants / children
Improve mobility / coordination
Normalization of vegetative disorders
Atlas therapy does not bring anything new into the body, but rather improves the flow of information in the nervous system: "The brake is released."
The treatment is painless. It is not chiropractic (no adjustment). An X-ray can be taken to determine the direction of treatment. Side effects can include: vegetative reactions such as a drop in blood pressure, dizziness, malaise, headache.

Atlas therapy according to ARLEN is a neurophysiological concept for influencing neuromotor disorders of various causes as well as pain conditions of the musculoskeletal system. A treatment method with the aim of having an effect on the balance system, muscle tone, self-perception, pain sensation, vegetative functions and also for removing so-called "blockages".


Atlas therapy has not yet been included in the fee catalogue (EBM) of the statutory health insurance companies, so there is no obligation to reimburse costs. Private health insurance companies and assistance agencies usually cover it. Billing is carried out according to the fee schedule for doctors (GOÄ) using the analogous item 2217 (analogous to §6(2) GOÄ) at a simple rate of € 21.57 per treatment. At the beginning, at least 3 treatments (with 2-6 impulses) are required within 2 weeks. Depending on the improvement, further treatments at longer intervals are advisable. Other therapy and diagnostics continue to be carried out at the expense of the health insurance companies. According to a decision by the committee of doctors and health insurance companies, atlas therapy has no longer been covered since 01.07.01.
For legal reasons, we would like to point out that atlas therapy has not yet been established as a typical conventional medical method. Conventional medical alternatives include manual therapy and neurophysiological physiotherapy.
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