Vitamin C high dose

Practice Dr. Katmer

Statutory insured patients - private patients and self-payers

Vitamin C high dose infusion

What is vitamin C?
Vitamins are essential nutrients that the human body cannot produce itself and therefore must be obtained through food. Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid. Almost all living things, both plant and animal, can produce ascorbic acid from glucose (grape sugar) through several synthesis steps. Only a few living things, including guinea pigs, some birds, fish and primates such as humans, have lost this ability in the course of evolution.


The role of vitamin C in the body:
Vitamin C can be considered an activator of the entire cellular metabolism, as it is involved in a variety of metabolic processes. These include:

- Participation in the metabolic processes of the hormonal and nervous systems.
- Stimulates the detoxification system.
- Strengthening the immune system.
- Promotes the formation and maintenance of bones and connective tissue.
- Accelerates the healing process of wounds and broken bones.
- Intercepting free radicals.
- Regulation of lipid metabolism.

What are free radicals?

Free radicals are aggressive and highly reactive substances that are created during the body's own metabolic processes or through the absorption of chemical substances or radiation in the body. Organisms have various protective systems to immediately neutralize and eliminate these free radicals.

Under certain conditions, such as radiation exposure or inflammation, the production of free radicals can increase to such an extent that the body's natural defense mechanisms are insufficient. In such cases, free radicals can cause significant damage, such as damaging cell membranes, DNA and important proteins in the cells.

Vitamin C is one of the most important radical scavengers in the aqueous environment of our body.

When is an increased need for vitamin C necessary?

The need for vitamin C increases under various conditions, including:

- Infectious diseases and prolonged stress situations.
- Inflammatory diseases.
- Injuries.
- Allergies: In the case of allergies, free radicals can occur in increased quantities and lead to an excessive immune and inflammatory reaction. High-dose vitamin C infusions can help to break this vicious circle and achieve a noticeable improvement.
- Arteriosclerosis.
- Smokers.
- Competitive athletes.
- Liver strain.
- Taking certain medications, for example in tumor patients.

How is vitamin C absorbed?

When ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is ingested with food, it is actively absorbed in the small intestine using special transport molecules that transport it into the bloodstream. When all of these "transporters" are occupied, excess vitamin C is excreted in the stool.

When are vitamin C infusions better than ascorbic acid tablets?

The amount of vitamin C that can be absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract is limited (only 1-2 g via the intestinal mucosa transport mechanisms). However, in certain life situations, the need for vitamin C may be higher than the amount that can be absorbed through food. In such cases, a vitamin C infusion (high-dose therapy) is recommended. This is also advisable if the function of the intestinal mucosa is limited (e.g. after antibiotic therapy or in the case of stress or allergies), which can impair the absorption of vitamin C. After an infusion with high-dose vitamin C, the vitamin C level in the blood temporarily increases so much that even tissues in the body with an increased need can be adequately supplied.

The costs for high-dose vitamin C therapy as an infusion are not covered by statutory health insurance. The costs are in accordance with the German Medical Fee Schedule (GOÄ). The infusion takes about 30 minutes. It is recommended to carry out at least 5 infusions at weekly intervals.


High-dose vitamin C therapy should be avoided in people with oxalate kidney stones and certain congenital iron storage diseases. In such cases, a suitable alternative treatment method should be sought together with a doctor.

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