
Practice Dr. Katmer

Statutory insured patients - private patients and self-payers

Services GKV and PKV

Statutory health insurance benefits

Statutory health insurance (GKV)

As a patient with statutory health insurance (GKV), you benefit from comprehensive services that ensure basic care. These include:

Medical treatment:

You have access to general practitioner and specialist treatment as well as outpatient and inpatient operations.

Medicines and remedies:

The costs for prescribed medications and medical treatments such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy are covered.

Preventive examinations:

Your health insurance covers the costs of regular preventive examinations such as health check-ups, cancer screenings and vaccinations.


If necessary, the costs of medical and professional rehabilitation following accidents or serious illnesses will be covered.


Your health insurance company will reimburse the costs of medical aids such as hearing aids, glasses and orthopedic shoes.

Sick pay:

If you are absent from work for a longer period of time due to illness, you will receive sick pay to replace your lost income.

Private health insurance (PKV)

With private health insurance (PKV) you can enjoy additional benefits and individual comfort. The benefits can include:

Free choice of medical doctors:

You have the freedom to choose your doctor without a referral from your family doctor.

Chief physician treatment:

In the hospital you will be accommodated in a single or double room and treated by the chief physician.

Reimbursement of optional services:

The costs for alternative healing methods, non-prescription medications and additional services such as acupuncture or homeopathy are reimbursed.

International travel health insurance:

Your insurance covers the costs of medical treatment abroad, including repatriation to your home country.

Additional preventive examinations:

Certain preventive examinations and health checks that go beyond legal standards are reimbursed.

Refund of premiums in case of non-use:

With some tariffs, you will receive a refund of contributions if no benefits are claimed over a longer period of time.

Private practice, ozone therapy check-up, vaccination, family doctor Bochum, doctor, corona practice, test practice, virus, smear, family doctor Altenbochum, e-appointments, e-prescription, e-services, corona tests, corona tests, corona smears, corona, ozone, naturopathy, cupping, Hacamat, vitamins, building injections

primary care

Primary care

As your family doctor, I am your first point of contact for all health-related matters. Primary care includes the diagnosis and treatment of illnesses, preventive examinations, vaccinations and care for chronic illnesses. My goal is to offer you comprehensive, continuous medical care close to your home.

Family doctor-centered care (HZV)

Family doctor-centered care (HZV) is a special model that aims at intensive and coordinated care by the family doctor. I am the focus of your medical care and coordinate all necessary specialist visits and treatments. This promotes holistic and efficient care.

Basic psychosomatic care

Basic psychosomatic care integrates the treatment of physical and mental complaints. Physical symptoms are often an expression of mental stress. Through targeted discussions and therapeutic measures, I support you in recognizing and treating connections between body and psyche.

Geriatric assessment

The geriatric assessment is a comprehensive examination specifically designed for older patients. It includes the evaluation of physical, mental and social health in order to obtain a holistic picture of the health status and to create individual treatment plans.

Youth employment protection investigation

The youth occupational health and safety examination is a legally required preventive medical examination for young people entering working life. It ensures that young people are healthy and that their work does not pose any health risks.

Vaccination advice

Vaccinations are an important part of health care. During the vaccination consultation, I will inform you about recommended and necessary vaccinations, create individual vaccination plans and answer your questions about vaccinations.

Administration of vaccinations

In addition to advice, I also offer all recommended and necessary vaccinations. This includes standard vaccinations such as tetanus and flu as well as special vaccinations for travel or in the case of particular health risks.

DMP Programme

DMP Diabetes Type I / Type II

As part of the disease management programs (DMP) for diabetes, I offer structured care for patients with type I and type II diabetes. Regular examinations, training and close medical care help to control blood sugar levels and avoid complications.

DMP Asthma / COPD

The DMP for asthma and COPD supports patients with chronic respiratory diseases through continuous and coordinated care. This includes regular check-ups, training in inhalation techniques and adjustment of medication to improve quality of life


I offer a structured care program for patients with coronary heart disease (CHD). The DMP CHD includes regular examinations, adjustment of medication and training on lifestyle changes to reduce the risk of heart attacks and other complications.

Home visits-Home visits

If you can't come to us, we'll come to you

I offer home visits for elderly or immobile patients. This allows me to provide you with medical care in your own home. Whether it is an examination or treatment of acute or chronic illnesses, I will come to your home to ensure individual and comprehensive care.

Internal medicine care and treatment of chronic diseases

As part of the home visits, I offer comprehensive internal medical care and treatment of chronic diseases. This includes regular monitoring and adjustment of therapy in order to optimally support your health.

Competent emergency care for acute illnesses

In the event of acute illnesses or sudden health problems, I offer you competent emergency care directly in your home. This means you can receive the medical help you need quickly and reliably.

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Care and prevention

Health check-up every 3 years from the age of 35

From the age of 35, I recommend regular health check-ups every three years. These check-ups help to identify health risks early and take preventive measures.

Health examination from 18 to 35 years of age once

I offer a one-time health check for adults between 18 and 35 years of age. This check is designed to identify risk factors early and promote a healthy lifestyle.

Skin cancer screening from age 35 every 2 years

Skin cancer screening every two years from the age of 35 helps to detect skin cancer early and treat it successfully. Regular skin examinations can be life-saving.

Cancer screening for men aged 45 and over annually

For men over the age of 45, I recommend annual cancer screenings. These tests are crucial for detecting and treating prostate cancer and other cancers at an early stage.

Advice on colon cancer screening from age 55

From the age of 55, I offer comprehensive advice on colon cancer prevention. This includes information on preventive examinations such as colonoscopy, which help to detect and prevent colon cancer at an early stage.

Abdominal aorta screening

The screening of the abdominal aorta (aortic aneurysm screening) is used for the early detection of dilatations of the abdominal aorta, which can be life-threatening if left untreated. A simple ultrasound examination is sufficient to detect this risk.

Youth health examination (J1)

The youth health examination (J1) for young people aged 12 to 14 is an important preventive examination. It helps to identify developmental disorders and health problems at an early stage and to treat them specifically.

Family doctor, coronavirus, corona swab, corona test Bochum, corona rapid test, coronavirus antigen test, Covid-19 test, check-up, vaccination, family doctor Bochum, doctor, corona practice, test practice, virus, swab, family doctor Altenbochum, e-appointments, e-prescription, e-services, corona tests, corona tests, corona swabs, corona, ozone, naturopathy, cupping, Hacamat, vitamins, building injections


Surgical/Anesthesia Preparation

Thorough preparation is important before an operation or anesthesia. I carry out the necessary examinations, explain the procedures and ensure that you are optimally prepared for the procedure.

Rehabilitation and spa applications

After an illness or operation, I will support you in applying for rehabilitation measures and treatments. I will help you fill out the necessary documents and advise you on the various aftercare options.

Postoperative care

After an operation, I offer you comprehensive postoperative care. This includes monitoring the healing process, adjusting medication and regular follow-up examinations to avoid complications.


Ultrasound abdomen

Ultrasound examination of the abdomen allows a detailed examination of the internal organs such as the liver, kidneys and pancreas. This painless method helps to detect diseases at an early stage.

Ultrasound thyroid

With an ultrasound examination of the thyroid, we can assess the size, structure and possible changes in the thyroid. This is important for diagnosing thyroid diseases.

Ultrasound neck vessels

Ultrasound of the neck vessels is used to examine the blood vessels in the neck area in order to detect narrowing or calcification at an early stage and to reduce the risk of strokes.

Ultrasound veins

Ultrasound examination of the veins helps to diagnose and specifically treat thrombosis or other venous diseases.

Doppler arteries

With the Doppler examination of the arteries we can assess the blood flow in the arteries and detect narrowing or blockages. This is important for diagnosing circulatory disorders.


The electrocardiogram (ECG) records the electrical activity of the heart and helps diagnose irregular heart rhythms and other heart conditions.

Long-term ECG

The Holter ECG monitors heart activity over 24 hours or longer. This helps detect temporary cardiac arrhythmias that would not be detected on a normal ECG.

Stress ECG

A stress ECG examines heart function under physical stress. This provides information about the heart's performance and helps to identify circulatory disorders.

Long-term blood pressure measurement

Ambulatory blood pressure monitoring monitors blood pressure over 24 hours and helps diagnose and treat high blood pressure and blood pressure fluctuations.

Lung function test

The pulmonary function test measures the performance of your lungs and helps in the diagnosis and treatment of respiratory diseases such as asthma or COPD.

Urine and blood tests

Urine and blood tests are essential diagnostic procedures to detect and monitor a variety of diseases. They provide important information about your health and help plan appropriate treatment measures.

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