Complementary medicine

Practice Dr. Katmer

Statutory insured patients - private patients and self-payers

Traditional Medicine-Naturopathy-Complementary Medicine


Naturopathy, formerly also called physiatry, is a form of medicine that is based primarily on dietary and physical remedies, places particular emphasis on a natural way of life and (apart from medicinal plants) largely avoids the use of pharmaceuticals.

The term naturopathy therefore describes a spectrum of different natural healing methods that do not use any technological aids and are intended to activate the body's own ability to heal itself (spontaneous healing). To do this, these methods preferably use the means or stimuli found in nature.

Naturopathy is also often used to describe areas of alternative medicine and, in a narrower sense, parts of complementary medicine (i.e. procedures that are not scientifically recognized but complement medicine).

Naturopathic remedies include the sun, light, air, movement, rest, food, water, cold, earth, breathing, thoughts, feelings and volition. In a broader sense, “natural” medicines, especially medicinal plants and their preparations, are also included.

Classical naturopathy generally includes the following natural healing methods:

Phytotherapy – use of plant-based active ingredients

Hydrotherapy and balneotherapy – water treatments (heat and cold therapy, “water cures”)

Exercise therapy[4]

Nutritional therapy – supporting treatments through healthy food and a diet adapted to the disease

Order therapy – structuring the external and internal order of life in order to influence the health of body, mind and soul in a positive way.

Smoke-free syringe

Smoke-free with the smoke-free injection: A way to quit smoking

Have you tried several methods to stop smoking, but have not had any lasting success? The smoke-free injection could be the solution you have been looking for. This innovative method of quitting smoking has already helped many people to overcome their nicotine addiction and lead a smoke-free life.

What is the smoke-free injection?

The smoke-free injection is based on the homeopathic treatment method and uses a special mixture of natural substances that help reduce nicotine dependence. These substances are injected subcutaneously, i.e. under the skin, and take effect there. The smoke-free injection is a painless and effective way to counteract withdrawal symptoms and reduce cravings for nicotine.

How does the smoke-free injection work?

The active ingredients in the smoke-free injection affect the reward system in the brain, which is responsible for addiction to nicotine. By injecting the natural substances, withdrawal symptoms such as restlessness, irritability and the desire for a cigarette are significantly reduced. At the same time, the body's detoxification is promoted, making it easier to stop smoking.

Advantages of the smoke-free syringe:

  1. Effectiveness: The Smoke Free Injection has been proven to be an effective method for quitting smoking and can help you stay smoke-free in the long term.
  2. Fast effect: After the first use of the smoke-free injection, many people feel a significant reduction in their craving for nicotine.
  3. Natural ingredients: The substances used in the smoke-free syringe are of natural origin and have no known side effects.
  4. Personal care: The treatment with the smoke-free injection is carried out by trained specialists who will support and advise you throughout the entire process.


If you want to take the final step towards a smoke-free life, the Smoke-Free Injection could be the right option for you. With its effective effect and natural ingredients, it offers a promising alternative to conventional methods of quitting smoking. Make an appointment today and start your journey to a healthier, smoke-free life!

Therapy: Acupuncture Mesotherapy Smoke-free injection Consultation

Cost: 200 Euro per session according to GOÄ

Travel medicineical advice

Are you planning your vacation? Depending on where you are going, travel vaccinations may be a good idea. You may also need malaria prophylaxis or advice on the pathogens relevant to your vacation destination and how you can avoid them.

Travel vaccinations are already a good idea for common destinations. For example, for southern Germany and the neighboring countries, this would be vaccination against TBE, or for the Mediterranean region, vaccination against hepatitis A. The respective risk depends on your individual travel behavior. We would be happy to advise you.

Chirotherapy-Manuel Medicine

Chiropractic / Manual Medicine

Manual medicine is the basis of every thorough orthopedic examination and is used to diagnose and treat reversible functional disorders in the entire musculoskeletal system. The trained sense of touch can detect blockages, incorrect tension in the muscles and the various tissue layers, temperature differences and other vegetative disorders of the body that would otherwise be undetectable using imaging techniques (X-rays, MRI). Manual diagnostics are therefore indispensable in analyzing the cause of pain.
The subsequent treatment of the identified dysfunctions is carried out using a wide range of manual medical / chiropractic techniques.

Atlas therapy

The atlas is the uppermost cervical vertebra. Around it are nerve switching points (neck receptor fields) that have contact with 95% of the nerve pathways between the brain and the body. This is where atlas therapy works and improves the flow of information in the nervous system.
A very short impulse is given to the neck receptor field at the level of the transverse process of the atlas using the middle finger. This causes the nervous control circuit to be briefly interrupted without being noticed and then "re-sorted" and rebuilt.
Treatment goals
Normalization of muscle tone
Improving and accelerating development in infants / children
Improve mobility / coordination
Normalization of vegetative disorders
Atlas therapy does not bring anything new into the body, but rather improves the flow of information in the nervous system: "The brake is released."
The treatment is painless. It is not chiropractic (no adjustment). An X-ray can be taken to determine the direction of treatment. Side effects can include: vegetative reactions such as a drop in blood pressure, dizziness, malaise, headache.

Atlas therapy according to ARLEN is a neurophysiological concept for influencing neuromotor disorders of various causes as well as pain conditions of the musculoskeletal system. A treatment method with the aim of having an effect on the balance system, muscle tone, self-perception, pain sensation, vegetative functions and also for removing so-called "blockages".


Atlas therapy has not yet been included in the fee catalogue (EBM) of the statutory health insurance companies, so there is no obligation to reimburse costs. Private health insurance companies and assistance agencies usually cover it. Billing is carried out according to the fee schedule for doctors (GOÄ) using the analogous item 2217 (analogous to §6(2) GOÄ) at a simple rate of € 21.57 per treatment. At the beginning, at least 3 treatments (with 2-6 impulses) are required within 2 weeks. Depending on the improvement, further treatments at longer intervals are advisable. Other therapy and diagnostics continue to be carried out at the expense of the health insurance companies. According to a decision by the committee of doctors and health insurance companies, atlas therapy has no longer been covered since 01.07.01.
For legal reasons, we would like to point out that atlas therapy has not yet been established as a typical conventional medical method. Conventional medical alternatives include manual therapy and neurophysiological physiotherapy.

Nutritional medicine

Note: These recommendations are intended for individuals and families for whom self-quarantine and isolation have been recommended or ordered.

Neuraltherapie-Procain Basen Infusion

Huneke's neural therapy is a reflex therapy procedure that uses the versatile properties of the local anesthetic procaine.

How does neural therapy work?

The use of a local anesthetic (procaine) influences the autonomic nervous system, thereby achieving profound regulation and thus self-healing in the treated area or in the entire organism. It is not the local anesthetic effect that is used, but the other properties of procaine:

Sympatholytic effect (regulation of the autonomic nervous system)

Anti-inflammatory effect

Improve blood circulation

Pain inhibition

Improves the energy balance of cells

Possible applications of neural therapy

Neural therapy with local injections under the skin (so-called wheals) or near nerves: used for pain and inflammation

Disturbance field therapy:

This is a particularly important aspect of neural therapy, as it allows so-called interference fields (scars, chronic inflammation) to be identified and treated effectively at the same time. Interference fields are often the cause of resistance to therapy in certain diseases.

Are there any side effects?

In general, neural therapy is a very well-tolerated procedure. Allergic reactions are very rare, but this is ruled out beforehand by a test.

Small temporary hematomas at the injection sites rarely occur. Sometimes, particularly with infusion neural therapy, slight dizziness occurs for a few minutes after the treatment. More serious side effects, such as irritation of nerves, blood vessels or organs, are extremely rare.

Procaine base nfusion neural therapy:

A procaine base infusion is administered via the arm vein. Used for inflammatory rheumatic diseases, fibromyalgia and burnout.

Procaine base infusion

Procaine base infusion is one of the most important supportive complementary therapies for all cancers and most chronic diseases.

The procaine base infusion combines the biological properties of procaine with the most important body base, sodium hydrogen carbonate. It accelerates the deacidification of the tissue and promotes the blood flow to tissue that has been undersupplied for a long time and is chronically painful or inflamed. In addition to the anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effect, the treatment also has a pain-relieving and relaxing effect on the nervous system ("sympatholysis"). The therapy has proven to be very beneficial for the effect of other immune-boosting therapies and has a protective effect on the liver, pancreas and heart.

In addition to cancer, procaine base infusions are used for the following diseases:

Chronic fatigue

Chronic degenerative diseases (osteoarthritis)

Chronic inflammation and pain conditions (e.g. fibromyalgia, rheumatism)

Heart disease with tachycardia

Arterial hypertension

Immune disorders, autoimmune diseases

Allergies, asthma

Depression, anxiety and panic attacks, sleep disorders

Heavy metal contamination

Lipid metabolism disorders (increased blood lipids)


The infusions consist of:

250-400ml 0.9% NaCl solution

60-120ml 8.4% sodium hydrogen carbonate, in patients with heart failure 60ml

10-40ml 1% Procaine (Pasconeural)

The therapy consists of 10 infusions, 2-3 times a week, i.e. 5 weeks, infusion time approx. 45-60 minutes.

Patients with cancer can receive an infusion of vitamin C in a therapeutic dosage of 15-60g immediately after the procaine base infusion.

Principle of action of procaine base infusions in cancer:

Tumor cells produce an excess of acid, which they deposit on the outside of the cell wall. A protective acid mantle forms. The defense cells cannot penetrate this protective mantle and therefore cannot destroy the tumor. They are even damaged by the acid. This is where the procaine-base infusion comes into play. If the procaine succeeds in removing the protective acid mantle of the tumor cells, the released acid can be neutralized by the alkaline infusion fluid. The body's own defense cells (macrophases, natural killer cells and dendritic cells) can now act against the tumor cells without being damaged.

Procaine is metabolized in the blood and tissues by pseudocholinesterase into para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) and diethylaminoethanol.

Para-aminobenzoic acid is an antihistamine, activates membrane stabilization and thus capillary sealing, binds ceramide by inhibiting DNA. Methylase has an antimitotic effect, inhibits growth of certain cancer cells, activates cell metabolism as a folic acid antagonist and increases the effectiveness of chemotherapy

Diethylaminoethanol has a direct vasodilating effect on the endothelium, binds long-chain unsaturated fatty acids, eliminates inflammatory effects (inhibits formation of IL1 and IL6 as well as CRP, inhibits phospholipase A2) and increases the endocannabinoid level by inhibiting the degrading fatty acid amide hydrolase

Although patients with existing tumor disease cannot be cured by this alone, this natural procedure is very useful as a supplement to immunotherapy with GcMAF or therapy with dendritic cells.

Acid excretion and thus the detoxification of the body are increased with the therapy. This means that the body's healing processes can be activated much more easily than without this therapy. The result can be a better quality of life during cancer treatment.

The infusion itself is well tolerated. Side effects are extremely rare.

During the entire infusion, the patient is monitored on a monitor (pulse oximeter, ECG, RR, SaO2 if necessary).

High-dose magnesium infusion

Magnesium is particularly important for the functioning of muscles and nerves. No more than 300 mg can be taken orally (with capsules, powder). Magnesium deficiency is widespread: our food already contains too little magnesium (only about 100 mg). In the case of muscle pain, stress, or nervous exhaustion, additional intake is necessary.

With the magnesium infusion you receive 1g to 2g (= 1000 to 2000mg) of magnesium intravenously, i.e. in a direct-acting form, with immediate vegetative calming, muscle-relaxing and antispasmodic effects, and with pain relief (only 80mg of magnesium is taken orally per day and very often leads to gastrointestinal complaints).

Procaine base infusion and magnesium infusion

Indications for combined infusion treatment:

Neck, back, lower back pain, herniated discs

Joint pain, arthrosis, rheumatism, inflammatory irritations

Nerve pain in shingles, polyneuropathy, neuralgia

Headaches, migraines, jaw muscle pain (CMD)

Fibromyalgia, for therapy-resistant pain.

Conducting a series of procaine base infusions, additionally with magnesium

The first 4 infusions 2x per week, then 1x per week.

As a rule, 6-8 infusion treatments are necessary for sustained improvement of pain and functional disorders as well as general well-being.

Total treatment duration: 6-8 weeks



Acupuncture is a form of therapy from traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Many illnesses can be successfully treated with acupuncture. The human being is seen as a whole and treated according to his or her life energies.

What is acupuncture?

The stimulation of acupuncture points is the oldest and most widespread method of healing, and the effect of "needle therapy" has been scientifically proven. By placing the needle at certain acupuncture points, positive reactions - so-called repair processes - are set in motion. Those treated find acupuncture to be very relaxing and beneficial.


When you talk about leeches, you usually hear the same thing: slippery, black, bloodthirsty, just plain disgusting. That's the common reaction when you're confronted with leeches. But, as is often the case with prejudices, they're not true! Leeches are colorful, elegant swimmers, harmless and not at all disgusting.

And they help - so well that people and animals have been using their healing skills for thousands of years!

Animals instinctively know about the healing power of leeches. For example, cattle, water buffalo, sheep and horses with joint problems deliberately go into bodies of water where leeches live and wait patiently until the little helpers get their tiny meal and, in gratitude, leave helpful secretions in the patient's body.

In recent years, people have become more aware that leeches can be very effective in treating certain ailments and have almost no side effects. In humans, we know that side effects include mild itching and reddening of the skin at the bite site, but in animals, the leech bite does not even seem to itch - in the truest sense of the word. Overall, the leech is an extremely well-tolerated remedy with proven and long-lasting effects.
The word "leech" comes from the Greek word echis = small snake. Some even suspect that the snake on the staff of Aesculapius represents a leech, but that is certainly wrong. In any case, it has long been famous for its healing powers. Among the Germanic peoples, for example, the word "leech" was used almost synonymously with the word "healer". Dhanvantari, the Indian god of Ayurveda, carries a leech in one of his four hands, and in English, healers of the Middle Ages were called "leechers".
In the meantime, leech therapy has become the subject of modern research, which has long since proven that the healing effects of this therapy are not based on medieval superstition.
Reconstructive surgery rediscovered these sensitive bloodsuckers in the 1980s, when a little boy's torn ear could only be saved with their help. The leeches ensured that the blood flow was maintained with their secretions, so that the ear could grow back. Since then, leeches have experienced a renaissance in the healing arts. Modern biochemistry has identified a number of active substances and their mechanisms of action in leech saliva.
One of these leech active ingredients, hirudin, is a globally recognized medicine that is used to treat various blood clotting disorders, including heart attacks.
Horses, as well as other animals such as dogs, cats, etc., are not bothered by leeches, do not defend themselves against the bite or try to get rid of the little worm. They simply know instinctively about the healing power. And even if they don't help, they certainly do no harm.
Our company is located on the outskirts of Biebertal, near Gießen/Hessen. Here, medical leeches are kept and bred in around 40 natural ponds. If you are interested in how the animals live with us, contact us by email or call us and arrange an appointment. We would be happy to show you that these animals are interesting and elegant.
On the following pages you will certainly find interesting information about this unique animal and medicinal product, which has been classified by the legislature as a finished medicinal product for several years now, a clear indication of its effectiveness.
First, a few facts in bullet points:
The leeches’ salivary glands contain highly effective substances, but
no pathogens found
Their bite is often compared to the touch of a nettle
Wherever leeches occur, they are used by humans and animals for healing or
Relief used
Leeches can live up to two years on one meal

The healing effect, which at first seems surprising, is a "smart" move by the leeches, because it promotes their valuable resource, the mammals - which is of course better than harming them. To put it bluntly in ecological terms: a great example of successful "sustainable use", of a balanced give and take. Science and the pharmaceutical industry have long recognized what a complex and wonderful cocktail of active ingredients evolution has produced with the leech saliva, which intervenes in the complicated blood coagulation cascade in an almost "ingenious" way, dissolves thrombi, promotes blood circulation and lymph flow, and has anti-inflammatory and pain-reducing effects. This results in a wide range of indications:

Leeches are used, among other things, for:
Herpes Zoster (shingles)
Varicosis (varicose veins)
Boils and carbuncles
Tonsil abscess
Adnexitis, parametritis
Gallbladder inflammation
Osteoarthritis (e.g. knee or thumb)
Leg Ulcer
Tendon/tendon sheath
(tennis, golf arm)
Thrombophlebitisas well as circulatory disorders after tissue transplantation (plastic and reconstructive surgery).

What do leeches do to us?
First of all: the bite of a leech is not painful. This is understandable, because in the wild leeches have no interest in being unpleasantly noticed. Whether an anesthetic is contained in the saliva to relieve pain is controversial. The bites are described as "nettle stings", "mosquito bites", "a slight pulling sensation" or "pricks from injection needles" or even as completely painless. A slight itching that may occur afterwards - similar to a mosquito bite - is due to histamine-like substances. The bite is also not very painful due to the bite "technique": 3 saw blades arranged in a star shape, each with around 80 calcareous teeth, carefully cut through the skin to reach the desired target - the blood. Between the calcareous teeth are openings through which the SALIVA, the leech saliva, is released.
Active ingredients

The saliva contains the following substances identified so far:
Hirudin (the name is derived from Hirudo medicinalis = medicinal leech) is one of the active ingredients of the leech, which is used as an independent drug in medicine.
Hirudin inhibits blood clotting and is used, among other things, to treat heart attacks.
Calin also inhibits blood clotting and, following the "fast" hirudin, causes the wound to cleanse itself through bleeding, which takes about 12 hours. This results in the well-known, gentle bloodletting.

During the 60-minute suction process, it is of course necessary to keep the wound open and the blood flowing.
During the suction process, the "spreading factor", hyaluronidase, also comes into action: the path for the healing substances is prepared by loosening the tissue. This active ingredient is used in medicine as an absorption-promoting additive to infusion and injection preparations (eg "turbo-anaesthesia").
Egline and Bdelline have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.
The unique natural active ingredient composition of the saliva is rounded off by other substances (e.g. factor X a inhibitors, LDTI)


"Cupping has the power to remove harmful substances from the head, reduce pain in the same part, relieve inflammation, restore appetite, strengthen a weak stomach, remove dizziness and the tendency to faint, draw deep-seated harmful substances to the surface, dry up discharge, stop bleeding, promote menstrual flow, stop the tendency to pus formation in infections, relieve rigidity, accelerate and relieve the healing crisis in diseases, drive away drowsiness, promote natural calm, remove heaviness. These and many similar complaints are alleviated by the correct application of the cupping heads, dry or bloody."

(Alpinus-Herodotus 413 BC)

"Disease is an unnatural state of the body. Nature tries her best to restore unnatural conditions to the healthy state. The task of the physician is to cooperate with her. When a patient is suffering from disease, nature strives to overcome the pathogenic factors, and when she is evidently succeeding in doing so, the physician should not interfere. But if she is about to succumb in this struggle, he must come to her aid by doing what she would do if she could. The physician must protect what is in accordance with nature and remove what is not in accordance with it."

(Galen ca. 129-200 AD)


Cupping is a form of stimulation therapy that is based on negative pressure in the so-called cupping heads. Cupping stimulates the immune system, metabolism and lymph flow through the negative pressure. It has proven particularly effective in cases of blood and Qi stagnation.

Nowadays, cupping glasses are used for cupping, which used to be made of bamboo. The cupping glasses are heated before being placed on the body so that the hot air escapes from the glass and a vacuum is created. The glass is quickly placed on the specific areas of the skin, which sucks the skin in. Two forms of cupping are used. Which form is used depends on whether the area of the body is suffering from anemia or excess blood.

Dry cupping:

If anemia is present, dry cupping is preferred. A flame is used to create a vacuum in the cupping head, which is then quickly placed on the skin. The skin is sucked in by the negative pressure. The suction effect therapeutically removes excess cold and moisture from the body, so that the body is back in balance. It can happen that a small amount of blood is sucked out, which manifests itself in the form of local bruising. However, this is not harmful and disappears after just 1-2 days.

Bloody cupping:

Bloody cupping is used when there is a local excess of blood. It is a modified form of dry cupping, where the cupping sites are lightly scratched iatrogenically. The small wound is painless and supports the blood-draining effect of cupping. As soon as the cupping head is placed on the wound, blood flows out of the wound in a controlled manner.

After cupping treatment, most patients feel pleasant and relieved because the energetic conditions are balanced again.

Pulsating cupping therapy:

Pulsating cupping therapy is a combination of classic cupping, massage and lymphatic drainage. This is achieved by superimposing a static negative pressure with harmonic vacuum pulses. The duration of the oscillation, the intensity of the oscillation and the static negative pressure are varied depending on the tissue and the type of therapy. If the therapy is used correctly, the patient feels a similarly beneficial effect as with a classic massage. In addition, this technique enables the therapist to move deep layers of tissue, which releases blockages and re-supplies the tissue with nutrient fluids. This is used, for example, for arthritis, circulatory disorders, muscle hardening, scar treatment and for fascia therapy.

Areas of application

Cupping is said to be helpful for a variety of complaints, including migraines


Disc problems


Knee problems

Carpal tunnel syndrome

high blood pressure


Tonsil problems (especially in the special form of tonsil problems)




Kidney failure

Weather sensitivity





Digestive problems

Cardiovascular diseases

Organ problems


A cold



Homeopathy [ˌhomøopaˈtiː] (from ancient Greek ὁμοῖος homóios 'equal, similar, similar' and πάθος páthos 'suffering, pain, affect, feeling'; literally 'similar suffering') is an alternative medical ideology based on the ideas of the German physician Samuel Hahnemann, published from 1796 onwards.

Its name-giving and most important basic assumption is the principle of similarity formulated by Hahnemann: "Like cures like" (similia similibus curentur). According to this, a homeopathic medicine (as opposed to allopathy) should be selected in such a way that the ingredients of the basic substance, when undiluted, could cause similar symptoms in healthy people as those from which the sick person suffers, while also taking into account the "emotional and mental character" of the patient. For this purpose, Hahnemann and his successors created extensive tables (repertories) with the help of which the homeopath should assign the patient and his symptoms to a drug picture.

Autologous blood treatment

Autologous blood treatment

Autologous blood therapy is a form of stimulation and regulation therapy. It is used to increase the body's immune system and stabilize health.
In autologous blood therapy, blood is taken from the arm vein and injected intramuscularly. After being taken from the vein, the patient's own blood is considered foreign and, when reinjected, triggers an immune reaction in the body that stimulates the entire defense system. The production of white blood cells is stimulated so that they can then fight viruses and bacteria more effectively.

Areas of application:

Acute and chronic infections
Circulatory disorders
Susceptibility to infection
Poorly healing wounds
If you have any questions or are interested, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to advise you in detail in our practice.
Autologous blood and allergies

A major advantage of autohemotherapy for allergies is that a complex and comprehensive antigen test is not required. The so-called allergens, i.e. the allergy triggers, do not have to be known, so testing for allergens is not necessary. In addition, autohemotherapy for allergies has particularly few side effects.
The principle of autohemotherapy for allergies is extremely simple and understandable. In allergies, the body forms antibodies against environmental stimuli that are actually completely harmless. Autohemotherapy ensures that the body perceives these substances as largely harmless again.
When treating allergies with your own blood, the antibodies that trigger the allergy are converted in their structural form. When the blood is reinjected, these newly structured antibodies push back the pathogenic antibodies. This procedure in autologous blood therapy for allergies has a significant alleviating effect, especially for acute symptoms.
The process of blood modification and injection is repeated several times, so that this allergy treatment acts like a targeted training for the immune system. The aim is for the immune system to respond normally and healthily to the allergy-causing factors after the autologous blood therapy.

Autologous blood and skin

A number of skin diseases respond positively to autohemotherapy - such as eczema, acne, fungi, skin irritation and, last but not least, neurodermatitis. The decisive healing factor is the importance of the immune system for the development of skin diseases. Various sources of inflammation cause skin inflammation such as neurodermatitis, itching is caused by the release of histamine and a weak immune system has been proven to promote the formation of acne. With the help of autohemotherapy, the corresponding symptoms can often be greatly reduced.
To date, autologous blood therapy has not been used across the board to treat atopic dermatitis. However, the representative study conducted by the University of Exeter (Great Britain) was a clear signal in favor of autologous blood therapy for atopic dermatitis. This new scientific finding will be followed by further, broad-based studies before autologous blood therapy for atopic dermatitis is used on a wider scale.
The study results also showed that autologous blood therapy for atopic dermatitis improves skin, but not only improves well-being. Autologous blood therapy is therefore clearly on the rise and is becoming an important accompanying form of therapy for atopic dermatitis.

If you have any questions or need further practical information, please contact us to arrange a consultation.


In our life on Earth, everything relies entirely on the presence of oxygen. We can survive for days without food and water, but without oxygen, life ends within minutes. Since our bodies cannot store oxygen like food, we must absorb oxygen throughout our lives. Interestingly, although oxygen is so essential to life, it also leads to the formation of oxidative (harmful) oxygen radicals that underlie disease and aging processes. This is why scientists call oxygen a "vital poison." We cannot live without oxygen, but we also need to protect ourselves from the damage caused by the radicals it creates. For this reason, our bodies have an "antioxidant" defense system that neutralizes these radicals.

Ozone therapy effectively supports this protective system by both increasing the use of oxygen in the tissues and helping to neutralize the harmful oxygen radicals that are created. We have been researching ozone therapy for years. When used correctly and patients are carefully selected, ozone therapy will in many cases produce encouraging results as an adjunct to treatment for various diseases.

Ozone therapy plays an important role in the treatment of heart and vascular diseases, particularly in applications that use the patient's own blood intravenously. At the same time, it regulates the immune system, also protecting against harmful bacteria and viruses with its cleansing properties. This aspect of ozone therapy is particularly useful for people who often suffer from illnesses such as flu, colds and runny noses during the winter months and during the changes of seasons. The application of ozone to joints and muscles loosens these areas and leads to pain relief and relaxation. This method can be used in particular for herniated discs, muscle atrophy and joint tension.

What is ozone?

Ozone is a gas that consists of three oxygen atoms and exists in a gaseous state. In contrast to the stable oxygen molecule (O2), ozone (O3) is an unstable molecule. It was discovered in 1839 by the German chemist Christian Friedrich Schönbein. In the first years after its discovery, it was mainly used for disinfection purposes. In 1860, ozone began to be used for disinfection in Monaco's water treatment plants. The disinfecting effect of ozone is based on its strong oxidizing properties. It not only kills viruses and bacteria, but can also oxidize all microorganisms and toxins.

Ozone is a colorless gas with a characteristic odor (it is detected after stormy weather, at higher altitudes or on coasts). Its name comes from the Greek and means "to smell." Due to its strong oxidizing and disinfecting properties, it continues to be used in water treatment plants around the world that supply drinking water.

Especially in long-term diseases such as obesity, hypertension, type 2 diabetes and metabolic syndrome, the antioxidant defense system is weakened. Ozone therapy strengthens this system by helping to combat the effects of harmful oxygen radicals.

The production and use of ozone:

Ozone is produced from oxygen by generators. In ozone applications, where inhalation of ozone is toxic, it is important to adjust the dosage correctly. Through the dosage, different purposes such as antioxidant, disinfectant, immune stimulating or suppressing and circulation-enhancing effects can be achieved. Another important point in ozone therapy is the material used. Ozone can only be applied using materials such as stainless steel, borosilicate glass, polyethylene, polypropylene and Teflon. The use of PVC or DEHP-containing materials can lead to serious health problems. In addition, sterility and antiseptics must be observed during application and appropriate sterile filters should be used.

Applications of ozone therapy:

- Major ozone therapy: This is the most common method of application. It involves taking 100-200 ml of blood from the patient, mixing it with a fixed dose of ozone and then giving it back to the patient intravenously.
- Minor ozone therapy: Here, 2-5 ml of blood is taken from the patient, mixed with a fixed dose of ozone and then administered intramuscularly.
- Ozone application in body cavities: Ozone can be applied rectally or vaginally or by spraying into the ear canal.
- Ozone application in joints and muscles: In diseases of the musculoskeletal system, ozone injections are used in joints, tendons, ligaments and muscles to relieve pain and control inflammation.

Areas of application of ozone therapy:

According to the Madrid Declaration, the indications for ozone therapy can be divided into two main categories:

Diseases where ozone therapy has been successful:

- Fistulas and abscesses, infected wounds, decubitus ulcers, chronic ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers and burns
- Advanced ischemic diseases (circulatory disorders) (Buerger's disease, ischemic heart disease)
- Lumbar and cervical disc herniations
- Age-related macular degeneration (dry type)
- Local calcifications
- Chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia
- Tooth root caries in children
- Recurrent or persistent infections in the mouth
- Bartholin abscesses or vaginal candidiasis
- Vasculitides (Raynaud's disease, Behçet's disease, FMF)
- Antibiotic-resistant infections (hepatitis, HIV, herpes, zoster, papilloma virus, candida infections)

Diseases in which ozone therapy supports modern treatment:

- Together with chemotherapy and radiotherapy
- Autoimmune diseases (multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, early Parkinson's disease)
- Pulmonary diseases (asthma, COPD, pulmonary fibrosis)
- Skin diseases (psoriasis, atopic dermatitis)

Conditions in which ozone therapy should not be performed:

Absolutely contraindicated:

- Favism (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency)
- Uncontrolled hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid)
- Leukemia

Use with caution:

- Acute bleeding (not within 3 weeks after heart attack or bleeding-related stroke)
- Pregnancy (especially in the first trimester)
- Blood clotting disorders
- Uncontrolled cardiovascular disease
- Patients with reduced antioxidant protection
- Patients with organ transplants

Duration of ozone therapy:

Typically, 15-20 sessions are performed once or twice a week. Treatment can be done daily as needed. The patient is considered to be cured between the 5th and 10th sessions, and after the 12th session, the antioxidant defense mechanisms are considered to be activated.

Interactions with medications during ozone therapy:

Patients receiving antioxidant therapies such as vitamin C or glutamate should not take them at the same time as ozone therapy. There should be at least 4 hours between doses.

Diabetics taking insulin or oral blood sugar lowering medications should monitor their blood sugar levels regularly during ozone therapy and take the medication either 4 hours before or after ozone therapy.

Patients taking antihypertensive medications should take their medications either 4 hours before or after ozone therapy.

Patients taking blood thinning medications should inform their doctor about ozone therapy.

Examples of clinical situations in which ozone therapy is used:

Due to the strengthening of the immune system, ozone therapy is often used in inflammatory joint diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis. High effectiveness is reported, especially in patients with ankylosing spondylitis and accompanying intestinal inflammation.

The elimination of circulatory disorders and the increase in the oxygen supply to the tissue in the case of impaired wound healing due to circulatory disorders are important advantages of ozone therapy. Non-healing wounds due to diabetes mellitus also fall within the scope of ozone therapy.

Due to increased oxygen supply, improved blood flow and removal of oxidative substances, ozone therapy has been shown to have positive effects on controlling fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. It helps relieve pain and fatigue and regulates sleep.

In the case of problems of the musculoskeletal system such as herniated discs in the lumbar and cervical spine as well as joint diseases (such as calcifications), both ozonation of the blood and ozone therapy around and in the joints contribute to long-term improvement.

By increasing the antioxidant capacity, migraines and headaches can also be treated with ozone therapy. The combination with acupuncture in particular shows very good results.

In addition to treating diseases, ozone therapy also plays a role in a healthy lifestyle and anti-aging measures. In addition to changing your diet and regular exercise, regular ozone therapy leads to noticeable improvements. It not only enables a better sense of well-being, but also prevents the development of diseases. For example, for patients who suffer particularly from seasonal changes, especially those with allergic reactions during seasonal changes, it is a practical treatment method that has both a preventive and symptom-relieving effect.

Ozone therapy has been used successfully around the world for over 40 years. The "large autologous blood treatment" used in the Dr. Katmer Health Center practice, specifically hyperbaric ozone therapy, is the most effective form of treatment. The treatment of many, even the most serious, illnesses has shown positive results.

Ozone therapy is a natural treatment method that can significantly shorten or even prevent many disease processes. The intensive effect on improving blood circulation through ozone/oxygen therapy is further supported by multiple reactions to numerous disease factors.

Ozone treatment is used primarily for peripheral and central circulatory disorders, eye diseases caused by circulatory disorders, migraines, dizziness, sudden hearing loss and tinnitus. It is also successful in treating arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease, hypercholesterolemia, hyperuricemia and gout, and liver damage. Another therapeutic field is revitalization in cases of tumor disease or serious illness. Due to the proven effect on the immune system, ozone therapy is successful in all cases of stress and other lifestyles that put strain on the immune system.

In short, ozone/oxygen therapy heals naturally and leads to well-being.

application areas

General immune deficiency with susceptibility to infection

Acute and chronic inflammation

Revitalization for weak performance and fatigue

Autoimmune diseases (e.g. rheumatism, Crohn’s disease)

as a complementary therapy for cancer, also for follow-up treatment

In addition to pain therapy

Circulatory disorders

Metabolic diseases, e.g. lipid metabolism disorders, gout

Liver disease, regardless of the trigger

Retuning treatment for allergies, skin diseases and asthma

How it works

Ozone has different effects depending on the type of application and dosage. In autohemotherapy, ozone activates the immune system, which is then stimulated to produce more messenger substances (e.g. interferons, interleukins). At the same time, ozone activates enzymes that neutralize dangerous free radicals. In addition, ozone improves the flow properties of the blood.


During the ozone autohemotherapy, blood is taken from a vein. During the "large" autohemotherapy, up to 200 ml of blood is taken. The blood taken is enriched with ozone in a special device. The ozone is produced electrically in the device from pure oxygen and precisely dosed. You then receive your blood back via the vein. The needle remains in the vein. The entire treatment takes about 20 minutes.

In addition, depending on the indication, there is also a small autohemotherapy treatment in which only a few milliliters of blood are treated with ozone (and possibly mixed with homeopathic preparations) and injected into the muscle. Ozone is also occasionally used externally, e.g. for problems with wound healing, open sores on the legs, etc.


Ozone autohemotherapy is one of the lowest-risk treatment options in medicine. Good training of the practice team, regular maintenance of the equipment, etc. lead to smooth treatments. A bruise on the vein rarely occurs, as is also the case with other blood draws.

Ozone autohemotherapy is contraindicated if there are coagulation disorders, a heart attack or stroke has occurred in the last 3 months, or untreated hyperthyroidism is present.

What should patients pay attention to?

In ozone autohemotherapy, metabolic processes are set in motion as a stimulus response. It is therefore one of the so-called regulatory treatments. In order to get the body to change its mood, repeated stimuli are required (as in sports training). Therefore, repeated treatments are necessary. Up to 10 treatments are carried out. In order for the treatment to be fully effective, regular cooperation from the patient is required.

Please note that the various ozone therapies are not part of the minimum standard of statutory health insurance. This only covers the costs for “adequate and appropriate care”. Depending on the tariff, private health insurers are usually much more understanding.

If you would like treatment or have any questions about therapy, please contact our practice team!

Ozone therapy

We all know the ozone layer in our atmosphere, which is responsible for the sun's burning rays reaching us. This layer owes its name to the unstable gas ozone, which is formed by the combination of three oxygen atoms. Ozone is essential for our lives and is also used nowadays to treat various diseases and for skin rejuvenation. The use of this gas for therapeutic purposes is called ozone therapy.

One of the most common uses of ozone therapy is anti-aging and skin tightening treatment. However, ozone can also be used as an adjunct method in the treatment of many diseases. The gas used in such procedures is called medical ozone and consists of a mixture of 5% ozone and oxygen.

Methods of ozone therapy

Ozone therapy is used in different ways depending on the needs of the individual or the area affected. These include direct methods such as injecting or absorbing a small amount of ozone into the body vapor, and indirect methods such as allowing ozone to be absorbed by the body.

Major ozone therapy: This is the most common form of ozone therapy. It involves taking 50 to 100 ml of blood from the patient, combining it with a mixture of oxygen and ozone in a special sterile container and then repeatedly injecting the patient. The injection is given either into a vein in the arm or in the buttocks.

Minor ozone therapy: This method is similar to the main ozone therapy, but this time a smaller amount of blood (usually between 5 and 10 ml) is taken and mixed with ozone in a sterile syringe before being returned to the patient. This method is also widely used and is often used on people who do not have any specific complaints but who want to strengthen their immune defenses, for example, especially during the cold seasons or transition periods.

Local ozone therapy: This method is typically used to treat severe muscle pain or cramps, where the ozone is injected directly into the affected muscle or muscle group.

Ozone therapy for joints: In contrast to local ozone therapy, this method is applied directly to problematic joints, especially in joint diseases such as osteoarthritis

Bag method: This method involves the use of ozone-oxygen mixtures that are slowly absorbed into the body by placing special bags around the hands and feet.

Ozone sauna method: This method is used especially for skin rejuvenation and strengthening the immune system and can be considered a cosmetic application. We will have a separate section on the ozone sauna method later in our article.

Benefits of ozone therapy

Especially in applications that use the patient's blood, ozone therapy plays an important role in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases. In addition, it strengthens the immune system by killing harmful bacteria and viruses, thus protecting the body from infections. This property of ozone therapy is particularly useful for people who often suffer from colds, flu and other infections during the winter months or transitional periods. Applying ozone to muscles and joints can help relieve pain and promote relaxation. This method can be particularly helpful for muscle calcification and joint stiffness.

The use of ozone therapy as part of anti-aging treatments is closely related to the above benefits. By cleaning the blood vessels and strengthening the immune system, blood circulation is improved, resulting in firmer and more youthful skin. Hardened skin areas become softer and healthier. In addition, the use of ozone during therapy can give the patient a feeling of vitality and energy, which has a positive effect on tiredness, exhaustion and weakness.

Ozone also has a major impact on brain functions. Treatments with ozone can help balance hormone production in the brain and improve certain memory problems. Although it does not provide a solution for clinical forgetfulness due to psychopathological causes, it can be helpful in forgetful conditions caused by aging, fatigue, stress and other factors. In addition, ozone therapy can help relax and manage depression during stressful times.

If you research the internet, you will find that ozone therapy is often mentioned in conjunction with weight loss methods. However, it is important to note that ozone therapy itself does not directly lead to weight loss. No conclusive evidence of a weight-loss effect from ozone applications has been found. Nevertheless, ozone therapy can serve as a supportive weight loss option along with a healthy diet and exercise program, as well as other appropriate methods. The various benefits of ozone therapy, such as cleaning the blood vessels and tightening the skin, can help the weight loss result to affect the body faster. However, it is important to emphasize that ozone therapy should not be considered as a primary method of weight loss, and it is advisable to stay away from centers that claim that ozone alone can lead to weight loss. If you are considering ozone therapy as a supportive weight loss method, ozone sauna application may be the best option for you.

Medical ozone therapy

The first medical use of ozone can be traced back to Dr. Albert Wolff, who treated German soldiers with gangrene and similar serious injuries during World War I. The first major organization to discuss the use of ozone as a therapeutic agent was the 59th meeting of the German Surgical Society, held in Berlin in 1935. Dr. Erwin Payr gave a presentation there entitled "Ozone Applications in Surgery," in which he presented cases from his own practice. From that point on until the 1980s, there were various doctors and researchers who used ozone therapy individually. However, from the 1980s onward, both scientific studies and case series on the medical use of ozone began to increase rapidly. Medical ozone is always used as a mixture of pure ozone and pure oxygen. In this mixture, ozone should be no more than 5% and oxygen should be no less than 95%. An ozone therapist is a medical doctor trained in ozone therapy who determines the dosage depending on the condition of the disease.

Basic principles of medical ozone therapy

Ozone therapy involves the administration of a specific amount of oxygen/ozone mixture to body cavities or the circulatory system. This mixture can be administered intravenously (into the vein), intramuscularly (into the muscle), intraarticularly (into the joint), intrapleurally (into the abdominal cavity), intrarectally (into the rectum), and intradiscally (into the intervertebral discs), as well as topically (on the skin). The classic method of ozone therapy was described by Wolff in 1974. In this method, a specific amount of blood (usually 100 ml) is withdrawn and then exposed to an oxygen/ozone mixture in an ozone-resistant container for 5-10 minutes before it is reintroduced into the person (autohemoterapy). This method is called major autohemoterapy (OHT). Since then, millions of ozone autohemoterapies have been performed.

Since ozone is a reactive molecule used for medical purposes, there are a few things to keep in mind: Ozone should never be administered pure, but always mixed with oxygen in a certain ratio. In this mixture, the oxygen should not be less than 95% and the ozone should not be more than 5%. Normal room air should be avoided getting into this mixture. Ozone-resistant materials (stainless steel, neutral glass and Teflon) should be used throughout the procedure.

Basic philosophy of medical ozone therapy

In our country, the treatment of diseases is based on the "Western medical orthodox" approach, the foundations of which were laid only in the last 50 years. This treatment approach, called modern medicine, aims to eliminate disorders in the human body using "pharmacological molecules-drugs" produced by pharmaceutical companies. Despite the success in treating certain diseases, in recent years, starting from the 1980s, major flaws have appeared in the philosophy of this medical method. This medical method, which does not consider the human body as a whole and treats the diseases in the body only with "fishing", but never teaches to "catch fish", accepts. However, the human body has potentials that can be used to treat diseases.

For example, despite the stunning advances in medicine and technology, the only practice recognized today as extending human lifespan is "fasting and eating little" known as "calorie restriction." No drug (antioxidant, vitamin, mineral) or healthy food (fruits, vegetables, etc.) prolongs human life. Calorie restriction is a treatment approach that activates the human body's own potentials without giving it drugs. The same is true of "exercise and movement." Today, exercise is more effective than drugs for preventing long-term (chronic) diseases such as hypertension, obesity, type 2 diabetes, and cardiovascular disease. As can easily be seen, this very important and vital method also does not involve administering drugs to the human body, but rather using its own potentials. Treatment methods that use the human body's own healing potentials are considered holistic medicine.

Ozone therapy is one such treatment method that is based on the two powerful potentials of the human body, the "antioxidant" and "anti-inflammatory" potentials, and strengthens the body by triggering an alarm response to disease. Over the last twenty years, research has shown that ozone therapy supports the human body's own healing potentials in several ways.

The body’s antioxidant defense system

Life on our planet relies entirely on the presence of oxygen. We can survive for days without food and water, but without oxygen, life ends within minutes. Since our bodies cannot store oxygen like food, we must consume oxygen throughout our lives. Interestingly, although oxygen is so essential to life, it also leads to the formation of oxidizing (harmful) oxygen radicals that cause disease and aging. This is why scientists refer to oxygen as a "vital poison." We cannot live without oxygen, but we also need to protect ourselves from the damage caused by the radicals caused by oxygen. This is why our bodies have an "antioxidant" defense system that neutralizes these radicals. Ozone therapy supports this protective system by not only increasing the tissues' use of oxygen, but also helping to neutralize the harmful oxygen radicals that are created.

Hyperbaren Ozontherapie

In hyperbaric ozone therapy (HOT), up to 50-200 ml of blood is taken from the arm vein in a closed system, mixed with 15 - 40 ug/ml of ozone and oxygen, shaken and reinfused into the patient. This procedure is carried out once in the same session.

In children, patients with fragile veins and in cases of special therapeutic indications, OHT is performed instead of or even in addition to intestinal insufflation (= intestinal gassing).


  • Chronic inflammatory diseases and/or
  • Diseases that are accompanied by inflammation.


  • Menstruation (in this case, HOT is used by means of intestinal insufflation).
  • Acute myocardial infarction, acute cerebral infarction, severe bleeding.
  • Acute renal failure
  • Severe poisoning
  • Severe mental illness
  • Ozone allergy
  • Pregnancy: 0 – 12 weeks and 4 weeks before the due date.
  • Thyroid diseases: Hashimoto's disease yes, but caution with hyperthyroidism and parathyroidism.
  • There is still uncertainty regarding transplants.

Side effects

The therapeutic agents used in HOT (ozone and oxygen) do not cause any side effects. However, the following symptoms may occur, especially the first time after HOT therapy, such as internal heat, extreme tiredness as a result of the pronounced detoxification reaction (drink enough!) and, in very rare cases, a Herxheimer reaction.


A hyperbaric autohemotherapy session costs 100 euros. A colonic ozone insufflation session costs 150 euros.

Please also inquire with your supplementary health insurance provider: some insurers reimburse ozone therapy.

Ozone high dose therapy

High-dose ozone therapy (OHT)

This is a further development of the previous ozone-oxygen infusion therapy. The Austrian university lecturer and specialist in gynecology and obstetrics, as well as general practitioner Dr. Lahodny, has expanded the applicability of the previous therapy through self-experimentation and massively increased its effectiveness. This therapy promotes an improvement in capillary blood flow and the body's self-healing, thereby increasing well-being and the body's immune system. Circulatory disorders in particular can be treated, and rheumatic diseases, arthrosis and painful joint diseases can be alleviated in a very short time. Scientific studies are currently underway on the strength of the activation of stem cells from a certain dose. The ozonides and peroxides from the ozone, in combination with the patient's own blood, are the biological active ingredient with health-promoting properties.

Ozone high-dose therapy OHT according to Dr. Lahodny

Every human body is equipped with a huge potential of stem cells and has its own repair workshop. High-dose ozone therapy activates the body's own stem cells. The actual healing is not achieved by ozone, but by the stem cells. Ozone gives all stem cells the command to repair diseased areas in the body. In addition to the repair, a single OHT initiates a general, immediate, complete detoxification of unbound toxins in the body. With the OHT according to Lahodny, a completely new treatment option was created with very good therapeutic results.

Stem cell therapy triggered by high-dose ozone therapy also has a major preventive effect by initiating the healing of asymptomatic, just-incipient diseases that are not yet noticed or noticeable by the patient. OHT therefore rarely causes an outbreak of disease, as unconscious lesions are already repaired in the asymptomatic phase. OHT, which is carried out at 6-month intervals, is an excellent preventive investment in your health.


In high-dose ozone therapy (OHT) according to Lahodny, up to 200 ml of blood is taken from the arm vein in a closed system, mixed with ozone and oxygen, shaken and reinfused into the patient. This procedure is repeated 10 times in the same session.

In children, patients with fragile veins and in cases of special therapeutic indications, OHT is performed instead of or even in addition to intestinal insufflation (= intestinal gassing).


Preventive and for virtually every acute and chronic illness.

No success can be achieved in cases of polyneuropathy, tinnitus or sudden hearing loss that occurred more than 8 hours ago.


Menstruation (in this case, OHT by means of intestinal insufflation is used instead).

Acute myocardial infarction, acute cerebral infarction, severe bleeding.

Pregnancy: 0 – 12 weeks and 4 weeks before the due date.

Thyroid diseases: Hashimoto's disease yes, but caution with hyperthyroidism and parathyroidism.

There is still uncertainty regarding transplants.

Side effects

The therapeutic agents used in OHT (ozone and oxygen) do not cause any side effects. However, the following symptoms may occur, especially the first time after OHT therapy, such as internal heat, extreme tiredness as a result of the pronounced detoxification reaction and, in very rare cases, a Herxheimer reaction.

(The Herxheimer reaction is described, for example, in the treatment of spirochete bacteria. The massive decay of large quantities of bacteria after initiation of antibiotic therapy, or in this case ozone, leads to the release of bacterial endotoxin, which leads to the release of inflammatory mediators. This can lead to high fever, headaches, joint and muscle pain, nausea and skin rashes. The symptoms usually last from a few hours to several days.)

Preliminary discussion

The following topics will be addressed in a preliminary interview:

Question about taking medication such as blood pressure lowering medication, antibiotics, blood thinners (Marcoumar, Xarelto, Aspirin) etc.

Questions about illnesses such as high or low blood pressure, anemia, allergies.

Information about blood thinning with heparin during high-dose ozone therapy: To ensure that the blood can be easily drawn from the body and then mixed with ozone and returned to the bloodstream without clumping, around 7500 IU of heparin is added to the blood at the beginning of the first run. At the end of the OHT session, you will receive a pressure bandage that will be labeled with the dose, the name of the medication, and the date and time of heparin administration. You must wear this bandage until 8 a.m. the following morning. This is a precautionary measure: if something happens to you, such as an accident or a fall, the medical staff will be informed that you have had blood thinning.


Fluid intake: Within 1/2 hour before the OHT session, drink at least 0.75 liters of fluid (water or unsweetened tea) and again in the practice at least another 0.75 liters of fluid. High-dose ozone therapy only works optimally if you have consumed enough fluids. Going to the toilet: before starting high-dose ozone therapy, your bladder should be empty.

Length of time

A high-dose ozone therapy session can last between 50 minutes and 2 hours.


During and up to 4 weeks after high-dose ozone therapy, a sugar, dairy and animal product-free diet must be followed. This is the only way to ensure that the body's own stem cells can work without toxins.

Number of sessions

To get the most out of the treatment, Dr. Lahodny recommends 10 sessions in a row, 1 session per week. For prevention and regular detoxification and elimination from the body, he suggests 3-5 sessions every 6 months.


A high-dose ozone therapy session is estimated at EUR 350. A high-dose ozone intestinal insufflation session is estimated at EUR 400.

Please also inquire with your supplementary health insurance provider: some insurers reimburse ozone therapy.

From ozone therapy to high-dose ozone therapy:

​The tried and tested ozone therapy has been one of the most successful and well-tolerated natural healing methods for decades: By combining it with blood, an oxygen-ozone mixture is created that cures or significantly improves many illnesses and prevents diseases. Blood is taken from the patient and then enriched with a medical ozone-oxygen mixture. This patient's own ozonated blood is immediately reinfused. Due to the suspected risk of hemolysis (dissolution of blood), which has never been observed, this method has been carried out very carefully internationally, in several sessions per week. But this has changed thanks to Dr. Lahodny's self-experiments.

​Dr. Lahodny found in his own experiments after administering excessive amounts of ozone that no blood dissolution takes place and no side effects occur, which was confirmed by ongoing laboratory tests of the blood. In the high-dose ozone therapy developed by Dr. Lahodny, the blood mixed with ozone can be reinfused up to 10 times or more. Before the therapy, the patient drinks up to 0.75 liters of water or tea. To ensure fluidity during the reinfusion, a blood thinner is used to keep the blood fluid.

With OHT, Dr. Lahodny has discovered a treatment option that can cure many diseases more effectively in just a few days and is effective in tumor therapy.

Until now, only large-scale ozone autohemotherapy was considered ozone therapy. In this case, 200-220 ml of blood was taken from the arm vein. 200-220 ml of ozone was added to this in a concentration of maximum 40 µg/ml and, after shaking, reinfused into the patient. This completes the treatment.

Worldwide, blood mixed with ozone is only reinfused once per treatment.

Usually 1 – 2 treatments are carried out per week.

By increasing the concentration and dose of ozone extremely, Dr. Johann Lahodny hoped to improve the success of the therapy. To implement the new therapy concept, he increased the concentration from 40 µg/ml to 70 µg/ml. The necessary blood parameters were examined during frequent self-treatment.

After numerous treatments, Dr. Johann Lahodny created the standard therapy of 10 blood samples with ozone addition of 70 µg/ml and reinfusion in one session for each patient.

In the case of serious illnesses and as tumor therapy, OHT is carried out once a day for up to one month. As a standard procedure, high-dose ozone therapy is administered once a week for a total of 10 weeks. After 10 OHTs, almost all illnesses are cured.

How is high dose ozone therapy performed?

During the treatment, up to 200 ml of blood is taken from the arm vein in a closed system, mixed with ozone and oxygen, shaken and reinfused into the patient. This procedure is repeated 10 times in the same session, during which 2 L of blood is "washed".

During the treatment, approximately 3 liters of ozone at a concentration of 70 µg/ml are injected into the body. This corresponds to 210,000 µg of ozone.

Duration: approx. 60-150 minutes (depending on vein quality)

Price: 350,00 € per treatment,

Recommendation from Dr. Lahodny:

A successful treatment should include 10 sessions of L1 (high-dose ozone therapy). In the case of very stubborn chronic diseases, 20 treatments are sometimes necessary.

To maintain health, regenerate, rejuvenate, revitalize and stimulate the immune system, 2 L1 sessions at 6-month intervals would be required.


  • for back pain, osteochondrosis and joint pain
  • for bursitis, osteoarthritis and arthritis
  • in patients with weakened immunity, with the aim to strengthen immunity and protect them against acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, including coronavirus
  • in people who frequently come into contact with infectious patients to increase immunity
  • for problematic skin - wrinkles, pimples, acne and scars
  • for certain infections of the genital tract
  • with prostatitis
  • against cellulite and stretch marks
  • for fat reduction and weight loss
  • Hair loss
  • for the treatment of atherosclerosis and multiple sclerosis
  • psoriasis
  • diabetes
  • Rosacea and varicose veins
  • for the treatment of high blood pressure


  • an acute stroke
  • acute myocardial infarction
  • Epilepsy; convulsions
  • Allergy to ozone
  • acute bleeding
  • Head injury
  • Menstrual bleeding

Unbeatable advantages in the effect:

Stem cells

OHT causes a massive proliferation of the body's own stem cells. Diseased organs and diseased tissues send out peptide signals (protein frequencies, simply put, cries for help). These are perceived by the undifferentiated stem cells, after which they flow to the diseased areas. When they arrive at the diseased organs and tissues, they are converted into the respective organ cells and lead to healing.

Each patient has millions of stem cells. The extreme stem cell activation is the second main reason for the rapid healing achieved through OHT.

It can be compared to building a house: If only two workers are available, it will take two years to complete. However, if 5,000 workers are available, the house could be completed in a short time if it is well organized. The many workers can be compared to our stem cells.

Scientific evidence for stem cell activation has also already been provided: OHT causes stem cell proliferation of 200-1200%.

Mitochondrial function

OHT leads to an extreme improvement in mitochondrial function. This leads to an increase in the production of the energy molecule adenosine triphosphate (ATP) by 100%-500%. This extreme increase in energy production leads to enormous increases in performance and incredible healing successes.

All other mitochondrial therapy concepts such as drugs, vitamins and medical devices achieve an improvement in energy production by 15-25%. The lack of mitochondrial function is a very important cause of all diseases. Therefore, mitochondrial research is currently at the center of all medical efforts.

From this alone it can be concluded that the improvement of mitochondrial function is to be classified as almost the most important healing factor.

Aged mitochondria (aging begins at age 25) produce less ATP and therefore have a reduced performance. A decrease in performance means aging. Scientific proof of mitochondrial activation through OHT has been provided.

Improving and strengthening the immune system

The increased mitochondrial ATP production, the massive activation of the body's own stem cells and the restoration of the entire intestinal function leads to the strengthening of the immune system without taking tablets.

The enormous improvement in the body's defenses prevents the occurrence of diseases and increases the effectiveness of drug therapies. A small dose of antibiotics is often sufficient to treat simple bacterial infections and septic processes.

A strengthened immune system enables frequent chemotherapy, eliminates chemotherapy side effects and intensifies the tumor cell-killing effect of each chemotherapy drug.

Repair and recovery of the microbiome

OHT quickly kills pathogenic intestinal bacteria and very quickly leads to the growth and proliferation of healthy intestinal bacteria. The disturbed antibiotic balance (intestinal bacteria also produce antibiotics) and the bacterial hormone influence are stabilized and improved. After ozone is converted into oxygen, the large amount of oxygen released stimulates the intestinal bacteria as an additional therapeutic measure. Other as yet unknown effects of the intestinal bacteria are set in motion.


OHT leads to an extension of the telomeres. Telomeres give the order for cell division.

If the telomeres are completely used up (no longer present), there will be no further cell divisions. Even a healthy person will then die.

If OHT is started in good time, telomere lengthening can be achieved. If OHT is started at the latest at the age of 75 and is carried out often enough, life expectancy can be extended by 10-20 years. The extent of the life extension depends on the frequency of OHT.

No other form of therapy currently in existence achieves such an extension of life.


A very powerful antioxidant and detoxifying process is initiated by the NRF2 factor (nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor 2). The oxytative stress caused by OHT causes a massive release of antioxidant and detoxifying enzymes. Of the numerous enzymes activated, the most important is superoxide dismutase.


High-dose ozone therapy (OHT) leads to a complete and rapid release of almost all extracellular toxins, which are excreted through stool, urine and skin.

Bacteria, viruses, fungi

Ozone as high-dose therapy (OHT) kills bacteria, viruses, fungi and all other pathogens.


The synergism of all the effects listed above results in the incredible and wonderful healing of almost all diseases.

OHT shortens hospital stays by allowing infections, wounds and tumors to heal more quickly. OHT should always be combined with heavy metal detoxification (HMT), diet and disease-specific medications.

OHT could bring a new boost and enthusiasm for conventional medicine, as OHT improves the effectiveness of all medications and reduces drug side effects.

The excretion of all intercellular heavy metals is an integral part of any ozone therapy, since heavy metals weaken the entire enzymatic system and block ozone therapy.

High-dose ozone therapy has opened the way to a new world of medicine. OHT achieves healing results that no other form of therapy has achieved up to now.


Magnesium Drip




Glutathione infusions: your way to a healthier body and radiant skin

Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that occurs naturally in our bodies and plays a crucial role in supporting our health. In recent years, glutathione infusions have attracted increasing attention as a possible method to increase well-being and improve skin appearance.

What is glutathione?

Glutathione is a tripeptide consisting of the amino acids glutamine, cysteine and glycine. It is known for its antioxidant properties and plays an important role in the body's detoxification process. Glutathione neutralizes free radicals, reduces oxidative stress and thus helps maintain optimal cellular health.

The benefits of glutathione infusions

Glutathione infusions are a method to specifically increase glutathione levels in the body. Some potential benefits of glutathione infusions include:

Improved skin health: Glutathione may help improve the appearance of skin by reducing pigmentation, brightening skin, and potentially reducing signs of premature aging.

Strengthening the immune system: A sufficient level of glutathione can support the immune system and strengthen the body's defenses.

Detoxification: Glutathione plays a crucial role in detoxifying heavy metals, chemicals and other harmful substances in the body.

Energy and vitality: Healthy glutathione levels can help increase energy and improve overall well-being.

What can you expect from a glutathione infusion?

During a glutathione infusion, a concentrated solution of glutathione is injected directly into the bloodstream. The duration and frequency of infusions can vary depending on individual needs and should always be done under medical supervision.

Glutathione (GSH) neutralizes free radicals

Glutathione plays an active role in numerous metabolic processes. It maintains the spatial structure of proteins, supports the transport of amino acids through cell membranes and has an important function in the antioxidant defense system. As a contributor to glutathione peroxidase, it eliminates the peroxides naturally produced by the body and those produced in increased amounts during oxidative stress. The glutathione system serves as a "scavenging system" that converts constantly produced hydrogen peroxides and lipid peroxides into water and oxygen, which plays a crucial role in the defense against reactive oxygen species (oxidative stress) for cell and mitochondrial membranes.
Glutathione also supports the conversion of oxidized, ineffective vitamins C and E into their active form. It also helps immune cells produce leukotrienes, which occur during infections and control the functions of leukocytes in immune reactions.

Areas of application for the measurement of GSH

Disturbances in the balance of GSH with a decrease in GSH occur, for example, in viral infections, AIDS, cancer, exposure to foreign substances/heavy metals, arteriosclerosis (recognizable by increased MDA-LDL!) and some autoimmune diseases (SLE, rheumatoid arthritis). In such diseases, it has proven useful to normalize the glutathione level.
Since glutathione is hardly absorbed after oral ingestion due to its limited ability to penetrate membranes, various precursors of glutathione are available, such as S-adenosylmethionine, N-acetylcysteine or membrane-permeable GSH esters (glutathione glycosides), to increase the intracellular glutathione level.

Procain Basen Infusion

Procaine base therapy

Huneke's neural therapy is a reflex therapy procedure that uses the versatile properties of the local anesthetic procaine.

How does neural therapy work?

The use of a local anesthetic (procaine) influences the autonomic nervous system, thereby achieving profound regulation and thus self-healing in the treated area or in the entire organism. It is not the local anesthetic effect that is used, but the other properties of procaine:

Sympatholytic effect (regulation of the autonomic nervous system)

Anti-inflammatory effect

Improve blood circulation

Pain inhibition

Improves the energy balance of cells

Possible applications of neural therapy

Neural therapy with local injections under the skin (so-called wheals) or near nerves: used for pain and inflammation

Disturbance field therapy:

This is a particularly important aspect of neural therapy, as it allows so-called interference fields (scars, chronic inflammation) to be identified and treated effectively at the same time. Interference fields are often the cause of resistance to therapy in certain diseases.

Are there any side effects?

In general, neural therapy is a very well-tolerated procedure. Allergic reactions are very rare, but this is ruled out beforehand by a test.

Small temporary hematomas at the injection sites rarely occur. Sometimes, particularly with infusion neural therapy, slight dizziness occurs for a few minutes after the treatment. More serious side effects, such as irritation of nerves, blood vessels or organs, are extremely rare.

Procaine base infusion neural therapy:

A procaine base infusion is administered via the arm vein. Used for inflammatory rheumatic diseases, fibromyalgia and burnout.

Procaine base infusion

Procaine base infusion is one of the most important supportive complementary therapies for all cancers and most chronic diseases.

The procaine base infusion combines the biological properties of procaine with the most important body base, sodium hydrogen carbonate. It accelerates the deacidification of the tissue and promotes the blood flow to tissue that has been undersupplied for a long time and is chronically painful or inflamed. In addition to the anti-inflammatory and detoxifying effect, the treatment also has a pain-relieving and relaxing effect on the nervous system ("sympatholysis"). The therapy has proven to be very beneficial for the effect of other immune-boosting therapies and has a protective effect on the liver, pancreas and heart.

In addition to cancer, procaine base infusions are used for the following diseases:

Chronic fatigue

Chronic degenerative diseases (osteoarthritis)

Chronic inflammation and pain conditions (e.g. fibromyalgia, rheumatism)

Heart disease with tachycardia

Arterial hypertension

Immune disorders, autoimmune diseases

Allergies, asthma

Depression, anxiety and panic attacks, sleep disorders

Heavy metal contamination

Lipid metabolism disorders (increased blood lipids)


The infusions consist of:

250-400ml 0.9% NaCl solution

60-120ml 8.4% sodium hydrogen carbonate, in patients with heart failure 60ml

10-40ml 1% Procaine (Pasconeural)

The therapy consists of 10 infusions, 2-3 times a week, i.e. 5 weeks, infusion time approx. 45-60 minutes.

Patients with cancer can receive an infusion of vitamin C in a therapeutic dosage of 15-60g immediately after the procaine base infusion.

Principle of action of procaine base infusions in cancer:

Tumor cells produce an excess of acid, which they deposit on the outside of the cell wall. A protective acid mantle forms. The defense cells cannot penetrate this protective mantle and therefore cannot destroy the tumor. They are even damaged by the acid. This is where the procaine-base infusion comes into play. If the procaine succeeds in removing the protective acid mantle of the tumor cells, the released acid can be neutralized by the alkaline infusion fluid. The body's own defense cells (macrophases, natural killer cells and dendritic cells) can now act against the tumor cells without being damaged.

Procaine is metabolized in the blood and tissues by pseudocholinesterase into para-aminobenzoic acid (PABA) and diethylaminoethanol.

Para-aminobenzoic acid is an antihistamine, activates membrane stabilization and thus capillary sealing, binds ceramide by inhibiting DNA. Methylase has an antimitotic effect, inhibits growth of certain cancer cells, activates cell metabolism as a folic acid antagonist and increases the effectiveness of chemotherapy

Diethylaminoethanol has a direct vasodilating effect on the endothelium, binds long-chain unsaturated fatty acids, eliminates inflammatory effects (inhibits formation of IL1 and IL6 as well as CRP, inhibits phospholipase A2) and increases the endocannabinoid level by inhibiting the degrading fatty acid amide hydrolase

Although patients with existing tumor disease cannot be cured by this alone, this natural procedure is very useful as a supplement to immunotherapy with GcMAF or therapy with dendritic cells.

Acid excretion and thus the detoxification of the body are increased with the therapy. This means that the body's healing processes can be activated much more easily than without this therapy. The result can be a better quality of life during cancer treatment.

The infusion itself is well tolerated. Side effects are extremely rare.

During the entire infusion, the patient is monitored on a monitor (pulse oximeter, ECG, RR, SaO2 if necessary).

High-dose magnesium infusion

Magnesium is particularly important for the functioning of muscles and nerves. No more than 300 mg can be taken orally (with capsules, powder). Magnesium deficiency is widespread: our food already contains too little magnesium (only about 100 mg). In the case of muscle pain, stress, or nervous exhaustion, additional intake is necessary.

With the magnesium infusion you receive 1g to 2g (= 1000 to 2000mg) of magnesium intravenously, i.e. in a direct-acting form, with immediate vegetative calming, muscle-relaxing and antispasmodic effects, and with pain relief (only 80mg of magnesium is taken orally per day and very often leads to gastrointestinal complaints).

Procaine base infusion and magnesium infusion

Indications for combined infusion treatment:

Neck, back, lower back pain, herniated discs

Joint pain, arthrosis, rheumatism, inflammatory irritations

Nerve pain in shingles, polyneuropathy, neuralgia

Headaches, migraines, jaw muscle pain (CMD)

Fibromyalgia, for therapy-resistant pain.

Conducting a series of procaine base infusions, additionally with magnesium

The first 4 infusions 2x per week, then 1x per week.

As a rule, 6-8 infusion treatments are necessary for sustained improvement of pain and functional disorders as well as general well-being.

Total treatment duration: 6-8 weeks

Swimming pool


Iron Infusion

Iron infusions

Iron infusion for iron deficiency


Vitamin C high dose

How is vitamin C absorbed?

When ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is ingested with food, it is actively absorbed in the small intestine with the help of special transport molecules that carry it into the bloodstream. When all of these "transporters" are occupied, excess vitamin C is excreted in the stool.

When are vitamin C infusions better than ascorbic acid tablets?

The amount of vitamin C that can be absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract is limited (only 1-2 g via the intestinal mucosa transport mechanisms). However, in certain life situations, the need for vitamin C may be higher than the amount that can be absorbed through food. In such cases, a vitamin C infusion (high-dose therapy) is recommended. This is also advisable if the function of the intestinal mucosa is limited (e.g. after antibiotic therapy or in the case of stress or allergies), which can impair the absorption of vitamin C. After an infusion with high-dose vitamin C, the vitamin C level in the blood temporarily increases so much that even tissues in the body with an increased need can be adequately supplied.

What is vitamin C?
Vitamins are essential nutrients that the human body cannot produce itself and therefore must be obtained through food. Vitamin C is also known as ascorbic acid. Almost all living things, both plant and animal, can produce ascorbic acid from glucose (grape sugar) through several synthesis steps. Only a few living things, including guinea pigs, some birds, fish and primates such as humans, have lost this ability in the course of evolution.


The role of vitamin C in the body:
Vitamin C can be considered an activator of the entire cellular metabolism, as it is involved in a variety of metabolic processes. These include:

- Participation in the metabolic processes of the hormonal and nervous systems.
- Stimulates the detoxification system.
- Strengthening the immune system.
- Promotes the formation and maintenance of bones and connective tissue.
- Accelerates the healing process of wounds and broken bones.
- Intercepting free radicals.
- Regulation of lipid metabolism.

What are free radicals?

Free radicals are aggressive and highly reactive substances that are created during the body's own metabolic processes or through the absorption of chemical substances or radiation in the body. Organisms have various protective systems to immediately neutralize and eliminate these free radicals.

Under certain conditions, such as radiation exposure or inflammation, the production of free radicals can increase to such an extent that the body's natural defense mechanisms are insufficient. In such cases, free radicals can cause significant damage, such as damaging cell membranes, DNA and important proteins in the cells.

Vitamin C is one of the most important radical scavengers in the aqueous environment of our body.

When is an increased need for vitamin C necessary?

The need for vitamin C increases under various conditions, including:

- Infectious diseases and prolonged stress situations.
- Inflammatory diseases.
- Injuries.
- Allergies: In the case of allergies, free radicals can occur in increased quantities and lead to an excessive immune and inflammatory reaction. High-dose vitamin C infusions can help to break this vicious circle and achieve a noticeable improvement.
- Arteriosclerosis.
- Smokers.
- Competitive athletes.
- Liver strain.
- Taking certain medications, for example in tumor patients.

How is vitamin C absorbed?

When ascorbic acid (vitamin C) is ingested with food, it is actively absorbed in the small intestine using special transport molecules that transport it into the bloodstream. When all of these "transporters" are occupied, excess vitamin C is excreted in the stool.

When are vitamin C infusions better than ascorbic acid tablets?

The amount of vitamin C that can be absorbed through the gastrointestinal tract is limited (only 1-2 g via the intestinal mucosa transport mechanisms). However, in certain life situations, the need for vitamin C may be higher than the amount that can be absorbed through food. In such cases, a vitamin C infusion (high-dose therapy) is recommended. This is also advisable if the function of the intestinal mucosa is limited (e.g. after antibiotic therapy or in the case of stress or allergies), which can impair the absorption of vitamin C. After an infusion with high-dose vitamin C, the vitamin C level in the blood temporarily increases so much that even tissues in the body with an increased need can be adequately supplied.

The costs for high-dose vitamin C therapy as an infusion are not covered by statutory health insurance. The costs are in accordance with the German Medical Fee Schedule (GOÄ). The infusion takes about 30 minutes. It is recommended to carry out at least 5 infusions at weekly intervals.


High-dose vitamin C therapy should be avoided in people with oxalate kidney stones and certain congenital iron storage diseases. In such cases, a suitable alternative treatment method should be sought together with a doctor.

Vitamin building infusion



Vitamin structure

Vitamin building cure

Vitamin C

High-dose vitamin C therapy

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